Downloadable Watchlists for TradingView

I am pleased to announce a hopefully useful new feature today: You can now find watchlists of some of the most important stock indices for import into TradingView here:

Download watchlists for TradingView

The watchlists for the major indices, such as the S&P500, should be particularly useful. At the moment, there are watchlists for the following indices:

  • Nasdaq 100
  • S&P 500
  • Nikkei 225
  • DAX
  • CAC 40
  • EuroStoxx50
  • SMI
  • AEX

Using the watchlists is very simple: After downloading them, you can import them on TradingView using “Import list…”. The name of the new list corresponds to the file name of the imported file.

I plan to update these lists at irregular intervals. The lists therefore do not claim to be complete or to reflect the index composition correctly at all times. However, this should be sufficient for a quick overview (e.g. for sorting by daily performance).

Christian Thiele
Christian Thiele

M.A. International Economics

Christian started investing in stocks during the DotCom boom in the late 1990s. He mainly uses the statistical programming language R.

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